EBIworld.com > EBI/Clarify Tips > EXTOL EBI - Increase the timeout period for Dashboard 2.1

EXTOL EBI - Increase the timeout period for Dashboard 2.1

TAGS: EXTOL EBI / EXTOL customization / EXTOL dashboard /

Sometimes using EXTOL Dashboard 2.1 can be frustrating due to the shortened timeout period. Out of the box, the login timeout period is 20 minutes.

Here is out to increase the timeout period

The file that needs to be modified is called web.xml and is located at C:\EXTOLDashboard_2.1\apache-tomcat\webapps\EXTOLDashboard\WEB-INF. The parameter that you can search on is “session-timeout” (without quotes).  The default is 20 minutes and it can be increased as you see fit.

A restart of the Dashboard server will be required to have the change take effect.

Copyright 2013 @ www.seanhoppe.com

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