EBIworld.com > EBI/Clarify Tips > The difference between EBI Action: Move-Trim Left/Right and EBI Action: Move Normalize

The difference between EBI Action: Move-Trim Left/Right and EBI Action: Move Normalize

TAGS: EXTOL EBI / EXTOL Business Integrator / EXTOL Action / EXTOL ruleset / EXTOL 2.5 /

Sometimes there are questions between the EXTOL EBI Move actions

  • Move with Trim Left/Right
  • Move with Normalize

Here is the difference between the two.

Move with Trim Left/Right will move data while trimming leading and trailing spaces.
Move with Normalize will move data while removing extra spaces. For example, if we had to move the value “John  Doe” – note: two space between John and Doe. EBI will remove the extra space between John and Doe.

Copyright 2012 @ www.seanhoppe.com

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