Customized API Example ::

EBI Java API ::

/* EXTOL International, all rights reserved
 * Author: tfrance
 * Date: 10/2003
 * Modifications:
 * Developer  : shoppe
 * Date       : [2014/11/01]
 * Description: Updated code to accept 3 arguments to pass into EBI event as 3 individual properties
 * Developer  :
 * Date       : [YYYY/MM/DD]
 * Description:
import com.extol.eventmanager.NotificationType;
import com.extol.eventmanager.NotificationService;
import com.extol.eventmanager.Notification;
import com.extol.eventmanager.NotificationException;
import com.extol.eventmanager.NotificationProperty;

 * Sample code that demonstrates how a client can use the EBI Notification API to send and receive notifications.
public class SendEbiItmNotif {

  NotificationService service;
  NotificationType type;
  Notification notification;

  public SendEbiItmNotif(String formattedTypeName) {

    System.out.println("...constructing the SendEbiItemNotif object...");

    if (service == null) service = new NotificationService();
    type = service.createNotificationType(formattedTypeName);
    notification = service.createNotification(type);


  public static void sendItemNotification(String formattedTypeName, String itemKeyValue, String itemKeyValue1, String itemKeyValue2, String notificationMessage,
                                          Long sequenceNumber) {

    if (formattedTypeName != null) {
      System.out.println("formattedTypeLength (prior to trimming): " + formattedTypeName.length());
      formattedTypeName = formattedTypeName.trim();
      System.out.println("formattedTypeLength (after to trimming): " + formattedTypeName.length());

    SendEbiItmNotif sender = new SendEbiItmNotif(formattedTypeName);

    System.out.println("...decorating the notification with the item key value, notification message," +
                       " and sequence number...");

    if (notificationMessage != null && notificationMessage.length() > 0) {
    } else {
      System.out.println("...notification message was either null or the length was zero...");


    if (itemKeyValue != null && itemKeyValue.length() > 0) {

      // sender.notification.setUserData(new String[]{itemKeyValue});

      NotificationProperty itemNumberProperty = new NotificationProperty("item_number", "XXX", 0);


    } else {
      System.out.println("...item key value was either null or the lenght was zero...");
    if (itemKeyValue1 != null && itemKeyValue1.length() > 0) {

      // sender.notification.setUserData(new String[]{itemKeyValue});

      NotificationProperty itemNumberProperty1 = new NotificationProperty("item_number1", "XXX", 1);


    } else {
      System.out.println("...item key value was either null or the lenght was zero...");
    if (itemKeyValue2 != null && itemKeyValue2.length() > 0) {

      // sender.notification.setUserData(new String[]{itemKeyValue});

      NotificationProperty itemNumberProperty2 = new NotificationProperty("item_number2", "XXX", 2);

    } else {
      System.out.println("...item key value was either null or the lenght was zero...");

    System.out.println("...sending the Notification object to EBI...");

    try {
      // Send the notification to EBI:
      System.out.println("...sent successfully...");
    catch (NotificationException ne) {
      System.out.println("Exception: " + ne.getMessage());

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Assume the arguments are in the same order and type as the method sendItemNotification, except the last arg
    //  which is a String that needs to be convereted into a Long

    // Dump the arguments to System.out
    if (args != null) {
      for (int q=0; q < args.length; q++) {
        System.out.println(" " + q + ") " + args[q]);

    String localFormattedName = null;
    String localItmNumber = null;
    String localItmNumber1 = null;
    String localItmNumber2 = null;
    String localNotificationMessage = "Triggered Notification on ITMPHY01";
    String localSequenceNumber = null;
    Long localSequenceNumberL = null;

    try {
      localFormattedName = args[0];
      localItmNumber = args[1];
      localItmNumber1 = args[2];
      localItmNumber2 = args[3];      
      localSequenceNumber = args[4];
      localSequenceNumberL = new Long(localSequenceNumber);
    catch (Exception e) {
      e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
      System.err.println("Error while attempting to extract arguments: " + SendEbiItmNotif.class.getName());
      StringBuffer errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
      errorBuffer.append("Expected:\n1)formattedTypeName (e.g. com.extol.test.itmphy01.insert\n2) itemKeyValue (e.g " +
                         "12345)\n3) sequenceNumber (e.g. 123)");

    try {
      SendEbiItmNotif.sendItemNotification(localFormattedName, localItmNumber, localItmNumber1, localItmNumber2, localNotificationMessage, localSequenceNumberL);
    catch (Exception e) {


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