Email Notification BPS with Filename and Attachment

Email Notification BPS with Filename and Attachment


EBI user is performing a transformation from: XML to flatfile.. If there is an error during the course of the business process, the user wants to be notified via email.


In the example below, we show a general email business process script that is referenced by the XML BPS.

From the XML Business Process Script we will pass the following script parameters to our Email Notification BPS:

  • Process ID
  • Originating Business Process Script Name
  • Filename of Payload
  • Payload Data

Error Notification BPS

In the Error Notification BPS below, we set-up the subject variable and the email body. These 2 variables will consist of the script variables (above).

EXTOL Business Integrator EBI Email Notification Error notification email task

Error Notification BPS :: Email Task

In the BPS Email Task below pass in the subject variable and the email body variable.

EXTOL Business Integrator EBI Email Notification Error notification BPS

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